Showing 61 - 80 of 762 results. Page: 4 of 39
# Name Origin Meaning

61 Palika Latin Small.
62 Palinurus Latin Pilot of Aeneas's boat.
63 Pallaton NativeAmerican Warrior.
64 Pallu Biblical Admirable, hidden. Marvelous.
65 Palmer English Pilgrim; bearing a palm branch.
66 Palmer Latin Pilgrim.
67 Palmere English Pilgrim.
68 Palomydes ArthurianLegend A knight.
69 Palsmedes ArthurianLegend A knight.

70 Palt el Hebrew God liberates.
71 Palti Biblical Deliverance, flight.
72 Palti Hebrew God liberates.
73 Paltiel Biblical Deliverance; or banishment; of God
74 Pamphylia Biblical A nation made up of every tribe.
75 Pan Greek God of flocks.
76 Panagiotis Greek All or holy.
77 Panchika Indian Husband of Abhirati.
78 Panchito Teutonic Free.
79 Pancho Spanish Nickname for Francisco and Frank.
80 Pancratius Greek Supreme ruler.
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